Wiktor Grycewicz graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology with MSEE diploma in Industrial Automation in 1975. In 1977 he completed After Graduate Study in Modern Thyristor Drives and in 2000 he got MBA degree from Polish American Management Center (University of Maryland and University of Lodz).
Wiktor Grycewicz has more than 45 years experience in General Management of medium and large, global, industrial production companies, especially in investment programs leading to increase of EVA through effective General Management including Project Management methods. He supervised large teams (up to 1000 employees) during entire projects process from the initial phase up to reaching planned schedules and financial results in Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
From 1975 to 1980 he was engaged as Start-Up Group Director in Elektromontaż Corp. in series of significant national investment projects such as Plock Refinery, Katowice Steelworks, Sendzimir Steelworks, Stalprodukt and Hydromat.
From 1980 long term stay in the USA. Took part in several undertakings, often of very advanced technology. Examples; Metal works producing alloys for the Discovery Space Shuttle in Indiana; arctic pipe works for Alaska Pipeline in Canada, Vanadium steelworks in RSA, the first green field site Mini Mill in Alabama; the first galvanized materials production factory in Philippines (obtained The Best Supplier Award from the President of Philippines during the opening ceremony); design of Stainless Steel factory in China (using Z-Mill technology by Prof. Tadeusz Sendzimir).
In 2000 return to Poland. Participated in area of General Management, especially in Project Management. Supervised investment programs including modernization of Supply Chains of large FMCG corporations such as Reckitt Benckiser (technology transfer from England to Poland) nad Royal Numico (owner of Nutricia, modernization of factories in England, Germany, France, Poland and Portugal). Initial study on process of thickening of after flotation waste for KGHM. As member of the Management Board of Konin Aluminium Factory (part of Impexmetal/Boryszew Holding) successfully completed the Change Management Program. It resulted in 100% increase of the annual net income.
Together with the Goverment institutions created program for starting of the first Stainless Steel Cold Rolling factory in Poland. Won International Competition for Project Management for Aleris Corp. ( No. 3 global aluminium producer) for completing in China the first aluminium alloys factory producing parts for the Aicraft Industry (for new Chinese passanger jet plane named C919)
Lecturer in the University of Alabama on Modern Industrial Automation Systems. Organized and gave courses on Project Management and Successful Negotiation / Jacobs Method.