
Roland Strauss


Thought Leader on the future of innovation in Europe. Main areas of expertise are at the intersection of science, technology, research, Innovation, data economy and EU policies and funding programmes.

Co-founder and Managing Director Knowledge4Innovation: the platform brings together innovation leaders from the private, public and academic sectors and is supported by 40 Members of the European Parliament (K4I political members). Since 2009 the K4I Forum is hosting the annual European Innovation Summit in the European Parliament.

Startup entrepreneur – IncubatorEurope: The main objective of IncubatorEurope is to bring Europe’s knowledge and ideas to work. Turning knowledge into economic power to the benefit of society, creating solutions that solve urgent problems in areas such as health, food, environment, energy etc. is at the centre of his activities.

Organiser at EUTOP50 Founders and Tech Festival – a marketplace where hundreds of young entrepreneurs, investors, corporate representatives and policy makers meet to identify the best solutions that leverage technology to address Europe’s most pressing challenges.

Editor: EU innovation trends: a news and events portal as well as a weekly newsletter covering EU funding, technology, innovation and digital transformation issues.

Speeches: European Parliament, European Commission, International Chamber of Commerce, Stanford University, Innovation Convention, ETSI General Assembly, EIRMA Annual conference, Moscow Open Innovations Forum, EU-Russia Innovation Forum, Mercosur EU Business Forum.


  • Research and Innovation
  • Digital technologies
  • Government Relations
  • EU Public Affairs